Some strings can be validated as 'standalone' some need to be validate against each other. This validation doesn't belong to the domain for several reasons.
Regrettably, the existing frameworks don't suite our needs.
Trying to decompose the problem, we need:
- a way to get object out of the bag, by name
- a validation method/function which can validate one or more objects
- if the validation fails, we want to collect a 'failed validation message'
- we want to compose these validations: and, or, not, xor, etc...
Let's put that in code:

1 #light
2 open System
3 open System.Collections.Generic
4 open System.Text
6 type get_by_name = String -> String
7 type accumulate_message = String -> unit
8 type validator = get_by_name -> accumulate_message -> bool

10 let _and_ (x : validator) (y : validator) = (fun (get_value_from_bag : get_by_name) (accumulate_validation_message : accumulate_message) ->
11 let ok_x = lazy x get_value_from_bag accumulate_validation_message
12 let ok_y = lazy y get_value_from_bag accumulate_validation_message
13 Lazy.force ok_x && Lazy.force ok_y)
15 let _or_ (x : validator) (y : validator) = (fun (get_value_from_bag : get_by_name) (accumulate_validation_message : accumulate_message) ->
16 let ok_x = lazy x get_value_from_bag accumulate_validation_message
17 let ok_y = lazy y get_value_from_bag accumulate_validation_message
18 Lazy.force ok_x || Lazy.force ok_y)
20 let _not_ (x : validator) = (fun (get_value_from_bag : get_by_name) (accumulate_validation_message : accumulate_message) ->
21 let ok_x = x get_value_from_bag accumulate_validation_message
22 not ok_x)
24 let _xor_ (x : validator) (y : validator) = ((_not_ x) |> _and_ y ) |> _or_ (y |> _and_ (_not_ x) )
a lazy value: the value is computed only once, delayed, on demand. In the xor combinator we have used another DSL-friendly feature: partial-function application: ie. if we have a function f(x, y) -> z we could write this as: y |> f x.
Ok, let's see how it works. We define a validator:

27 let is_starting_with (start : String) (name : String) = (fun (get_value_from_bag : get_by_name) (accumulate_validation_message : accumulate_message) ->
28 let value = get_value_from_bag name
29 let ok = value.StartsWith(start)
30 if not ok then
31 let msg = string.Format("{0} '{1}' doesn't start with {2}", name, value, start)
32 accumulate_validation_message msg
33 ok)
Lets define a map of name -> values, and a message accumulator:

36 let map = new Dictionary
37 map.Add("customer","ali")
38 map.Add("buyer", "baba")
39 map.Add("vendor", "nono")
41 let get_value (key : String) : String = map.Item(key)
43 let acc = new StringBuilder()
44 let accumulate (msg: String) : unit = acc.AppendLine(msg) |> ignore
Lets create a more complex validator:

46 let x = ("customer" |> is_starting_with "a") |> _and_ ("buyer" |> is_starting_with "b") |> _and_ ("vendor" |> is_starting_with "v")
And we can evaluate it:

48 printfn "evaluation: %b messages: %s" (x get_value accumulate) (acc.ToString())
50 System.Console.ReadKey()
ps. Look at a better example in a Good Video: "Composing Contracts: An Adventure in Financial Engineering".
pps. here is the code.
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